Tag Archives: followers

In Which I Express Contempt for Follow Farming

Dear Chris and OM and whoever else might follow me in hopes of gaining a follow-back-er whom they intend to completely ignore unless I read and comment on your posts:

Go be an attention whore somewhere else. You are not interested in a reciprocal relationship, merely the garnering of a greater following for yourself; and I refuse to become an additional audience whose sole purpose is to give you the greater pleasure of hearing yourself speak.

People who are actually interesting in interaction and gaining the mutual benefit of shared perspectives are more than welcome to read my words and expect me to read theirs. But I’ve seen this before. You, audacious sirs, are not interested in my personhood, in my thoughts, in my words, in my viewpoints or perspectives, joys, pains, sorrows, or triumphs. All you want is another tally to add to your growing collection. Your windbaggery is unwelcome here.

If this fulfills your soul, jolly good for you.
Alas, I fail to find meaningful such cheap and shallow relationships.

Most Unfortunately (for you) Never to be Yours,