In Which I Notice Being Noticed

I work in a place where very few people see me–actually see me. They pass me every day. I deliver their mail and process their packages. But I am a small service provider, and they are the professional engineers–we exist in the same sphere, but there is a world of difference between us.

So it stands out  when someone does actually see me and takes the time to acknowledge me.
It’s happened twice in two days. TWICE!

Yesterday, Kat asked if I would go to lunch with her. I’ve worked here since August, and this is the FIRST time any employee of the site where I contract has expressed interest in getting to know me personally as opposed to merely making idle chit chat while they are preparing a package in the shipping room.

And today, one of the male engineers greeted me BY NAME as he was walking past where I was heaving boxes off of a pallet. On his way back the other way, he stopped to engage in conversation, telling me a bit about his recent adventures in Texas and then listening to me ramble a bit about Killer Bunnies.

Such small things. And yet, to a hungry heart lonely for friends in a sea of people, such significant things. Sometimes a person just wants to be noticed, acknowledged, affirmed that their humanity matters.

About few shenanigans

Just a few shenanigans. Less than some. More than none. Just enough. View all posts by few shenanigans

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